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Inspire India Race Rules and Regulations

General Race Rules apply to all racers at all races. Racers and Crew members are expected to read and understand the rules and regulations before they arrive at the registration venue. 

Guiding principles

The following guiding principles are the foundation of the Rules and Regulations and the intent behind them
will dictate decision making by the Race Committee on any issue not specifically covered in the rules.

  • Safety of all persons involved

  • Running a Clean and Healthy race with a level playing field for all

  • Maintaining a Race of the Highest standards

  • Protecting Race integrity and reputation

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Racers refers to Solo and Relay team racers.
Crew refers to people registered to support racers in the ‘Crew Supported’ format.
Participants refers collectively to Racers and Crew members.
Race Format refers to the distinct choice between racing with Crew Support (Solo or Relay) or racing Self Supported Category/categories refers to the splits within these formats that are defined by number of racers, age and gender.
Equipment refers collectively to the Bicycles, Gear and Vehicles listed in Section 7 that are required to pass inspection prior to race start.
Electronic Equipment refers collectively to the Lights, chargers, batteries, Phones and Power banks and charging cables that are required to pass inspection prior to race start.
RAAM – Race Across America
RQ – RAAM Qualification
CP – Control Point refers to specified location along the route that act as controls on the passage of participants
RHQ – Race Headquarters refers to the phone no provided to participants that acts as the point of contact for essential information
RC – Race Committee
Race Officials Refers to all Race Representatives, that is Officials, Marshalls, Race Committee and personnel operating Race Headquarters.
Night Time Hours as per the race rules are from 6pm till 7am
Day Time Hours as per the race rules are from 7am till 6pm

The Rules and Regulations governing the race, are subdivided into sections as described below:

Section 1 – Conduct – Applies to ALL events, formats, categories and distances
Section 2 – Equipment & Safety – Applies to ALL events, formats, categories and distances
Section 3 – Compliance – Applies to ALL events, formats, categories and distances
Section 4 – Race Criteria – Applies to ALL events, formats, categories and distances
Section 5 – Self Supported Format
Section 6 – Crew Supported Format – Solo and Relay Team
Section 7 – Mandatory Pre Race Requirements
Section 8 – Race Parameters and Special Rules pertaining to each event will be published 3 weeks before start of that                     respective event. 

Section 1 : Conduct
1.1 General

A. All participants are responsible for reading and understanding the rules, event information and instructions given before and during the event.
B. All rules and regulations must be obeyed by all participants, at all times.
C. Standard RQ Race Rules have been applied within these Rules and Regulation with some exceptions to accommodate for Local conditions and laws.
D. RAAM Rules may be referred to in the event that a situation is not covered in these rules. The race committee has the authority to override, modify, or create rules even during the ongoing race based on extenuating circumstances.
E. Safety is the primary concern. In an emergency, participants are expected to assist others, and Racers may be given credit for lost time, if necessary.
F. Race Registration is open to any cyclist over the age of 18 as on the date which the race is

1.2. Conduct

A. Participants must conduct themselves in a civil manner at all times during the entire duration of the event.
B. Participants may not act maliciously toward any other person for any reason.
C. Participants may not intentionally impede the progress of or misdirect any other participant for any reason.
D. Participants must at all times behave respectfully toward all Race officials and volunteers.
E. Violation of the conduct rules and/or any other inappropriate behaviour by a participant will result in immediate disqualification and possible suspension from future Inspire India events.

1.3. Littering

A. Racers may not litter, throw garbage, plastic, packaging etc except in proper disposal bins, at any point during the course of the race. This includes but is not limited to the start, finish venues and control points.
B. All waste must be disposed at private or public garbage bins at waste collection locations only.
C. It is particularly forbidden to throw any waste into public parking areas or the streets at the finish of the race. Participants must only clear/clean support vehicles and bicycles at their own respective hotels and dispose the garbage as recommended at their hotels.
D. It is the responsibility of the participants to ensure that compliance is strictly adhered to, not only for the entire duration of the race and post race events but until departure from Race finish venues.
E. Any breach of these rules will result in a penalty without warnings.

1.4. Substance Abuse

A. Consumption of alcoholic beverages, drugs, Narcotics, Opioids, or any other substance that may have an effect of intoxication or impediment to functionality is STRICTLY PROHIIBITED for all Participants!
B. This rule applies from the day before the race start till the participants finish the race. For Safety reasons, participants are expected to impose this restriction on themselves and each other.
C. Race Officials will take the strictest action upon breach of rules, even in the case of suspicion or suspicious behaviour. In addition to a disqualification, Race Officials reserve the right to report offending person to local authorities.

1.5. Support, Vendors & Resources

A. Inspire India provides resources in the form of information on technical support, accommodation and enroute restaurants, as also support personal in the form of volunteers. Inspire India cannot be held responsible for any disappointment caused to the Participants upon availing of services or goods from said resources.
B. Participants are expected to behave respectfully toward all resources, vendors and support that is made possible through the goodwill of Inspire India. Any disagreements must be resolved amicably. All expenses towards any resources, or vendors utilised by participants are to be borne in full by the Racer.
C. Throughout the period of the race, including the days before and after the race at the Start/Finish Venues, participants must keep all interaction respectful of the local community and culture.
D. No misuse, littering, damage to property is permitted in the hotel rooms provided by Inspire India for participants. Any damages MUST be made good by the participants. Participants vacating rooms in a manner that is not acceptable by the Hotel management, will be given a time penalty.
E. All expenses for the duration of the race, including accommodation as required at start and finish are to be borne by the racer.

1.6. Communication Protocol

A. Prior to day of Pre Race formatlities, means of communication to be used is primarily email, especially for any official communication that need to be kept on record. For inquiries after that day till post Race day, participants may use Race Committee’s phone contacts to call, text or whatsapp for urgent resolution of any issues.
B. A Race Headquarters (RHQ) ph. No. will be provided for participants to make all essential communications during race days, like Control Point reporting, route diversion issues, medical issues, withdrawal from race, or any other information relevant to the race.
C. The objective of the communication must clearly be to receive information or clarity and resolution on race related issues from Race officials. Or to communicate essential information with respect to the race.
D. In addition to the conduct during the race, all communication including face to face interactions made by the participants with Race Officials must be respectful and polite in nature. This includes appeals, protests, and complaints which should be made privately and as per instructions listed in Section 3.7.
E. Posts on social media are not acceptable means of communication about race inquiries or addressing of issues, as they are public platforms meant for broadcasting. Inspire India Social Media Platforms are maintained for the community to follow events and for the well-being and growth of the races. Race Committee will use their discretion in judging whether a participant is being disrespectful in their usage of these platforms towards Inspire India.

1.7. Media, Race Publicity and PR

A. Participants agree to the use of their images and video recordings for the purpose of Race Promotion in all Media.

B. Participants must not through their actions on any media (print, social, internet, FB, twitter, etc) harm Race Reputation. The continuation of the Race is dependent on maintaining its integrity and reputation and any action that is considered harmful to the Race Reputation may result in a disqualification or a ban from future races.

Section 2 : Equipment & Safety
2.1. Pre Race Formalities

A. There are certain mandatory pre-race requirements that all participants must meet in order for the racers to receive a clearance to race. This includes submission of physical documents, signatures and inspection of equipment and electronics, and the set up of tracking devices as listed in Section 7
B. It is mandatory for every item described in Section 7 to be inspected and cleared by a designated Race Official. Participants are given an itinerary with specific time slot during which all of the items have to be cleared at the specified venue. Racers failing to meet these requirements will be denied a clearance to race and their registration cancelled without a refund.
C. It is the responsibility of the participants to ensure that ONLY the Equipment that passes the Pre Race inspection are utilized during the race and the same continue to meet the prescribed parameters, for the entire duration of the race.
D. In case a change of Equipment is necessitated between inspections and race start, or at any time during the event, Race officials have to be informed. Race officials will do their best to provide a convenient time and location for the new equipment to be inspected and approved, subject to time constraints of the ongoing race schedule.
E. It is the responsibility of the participants to ensure that the Electronic Equipment is kept charged and functioning for the entire duration of the race. They may have, acquire and utilize additional electronic equipment that does not have to pass inspection, provided they meet the minimum mandatory requirements as per Rule 7.2

2.2. Bicycles

A. All bicycles must be propelled solely by human force. Disc wheels, wheel covers and/or aero bars are allowed.
B. There are no bicycle categories at this time. Special bikes will be considered, and if required, a separate Bicycle category and changes to Time Cut Offs ruled upon by the Race Director.
C. Solo Crew Supported Racers must use a road bike as their primary bicycle. Use of other bike types such as MTBs is permitted subject to prior permission from the RACE COMMITTEE.
D. In addition to the requirements listed for pre race inspections, all bicycles must be deemed to be in race condition, including but not limited to brakes, brake pads, and any visible damage that could be a safety concern. Racers must ensure brakes are in full working condition at ALL times during the race.
E. If a bicycle is judged to be unfit or unsafe to race, before or during the race, racers may NOT use it until the issue is resolved to the satisfaction of the Race Director.

2.3. Helmets

A. Racers must wear an ISO approved bicycle helmet, which must be properly fastened, at all timeswhen riding a bicycle. Racers without a helmet will not be permitted to start.
B. Racers found riding without a properly fastened helmet, even briefly, will result in a 1 hour penalty. Racers or Relay teams caught doing this the second time will be immediately disqualified.

2.4. Lights and Reflective Gear

A. Lights and reflective gear must be used during night hours from 6:00 PM – 7:00 AM, and switched on when passing through a tunnel.
B. Racers must use at least one steady white front light visible from 500’ (150 lumens or more) mounted to the bicycle and a steady (not flashing) red rear light visible from 300’ mounted to the bicycle.

C. These are the minimal requirements we will accept, but are not optimal to serve race targets. For optimal lighting, we recommend using a front light of at least 600 lumens, with a secondary front light in use with the other light or to use as a backup. For the rear light, we recommend using lights with visibility up to 500′.
D. A secondary red rear light visible from 300’ mounted to the bicycle or racer, may be kept on flashing or steady mode. Be warned however that the flashing mode can cause extreme irritation and/or hypnotic effect on fellow racers, the follow car drivers and members of the general public.
E. It is essential to carry one Back up light for front and back that also meet the mandatory requirements. Refer Rule 7.2
F. Racers must wear a reflective gear during the night hours, in the form of a vest or bandoleer. (Adhesive reflective material and jerseys with reflective material stitched to them, are not acceptable in lieu of reflective gear). Racers may opt to wear reflective gear during the day as well.
G. All lighting requirements must be met by each racer individually, even if they are riding with a partner or in a group. Participants must ensure that lighting equipment is kept charged, or has fresh batteries to meet these requirements for the entire duration of the night hours.
H. Any racer caught riding without lights and/or reflective gear, or with dim lights during the night hours will be given a penalty without warning. Additionally they will be stopped until they are able to correct the situation and permitted to continue racing only once they have satisfied the mandatory light requirements.

2.5. Mechanical Support

A. All racers should be self-sufficient and properly equipped to manage any mechanical issues. Participants should have everything necessary to repair or adjust the bicycle and other gear. Race officials may help, but take no responsibility or make any guarantees to fix mechanical problems when and where they occur. Racers and support crew members may assist one another with mechanical or other problems, but no time credit will be given unless it is an emergency or extenuating situation.
B. Outside assistance may be used, for example a bike shop on route. However if the racer is leaving the course for this or any reason they must follow protocol as per Rule 4.1.C.

2.6. Safety and Medical Support

A. Participants are responsible entirely for their own safety at all times during the race and take full responsibility for their own well being. This includes taking decisions such as when and where to rest, whether to quit the race due to poor health, whether to stop in order to avoid a certain section of the route at night, and so on.
B. The safety rules prescribed are to be strictly adhered to.
C. Hand signals must be given to indicate turns or that you are stopping, so to avoid accidents with vehicles behind you. Participants MUST ONLY STOP after pulling fully off the road on the left.
D. Race officials reserve the right to stop a participant deemed to be riding/driving in an unsafe manner, and only allow them to continue once they are satisfied about their ability to adhere to safety. Repeatedly riding/driving in an unsafe manner will lead to an immediate disqualification to prevent injury or harm. Race officials’ verdict on what is safe or unsafe is final.
E. Sleep deprivation is a very real concern wrt safety of all participants. It is recommended that all participants monitor themselves and their fellow team mates, crew members and take sleep breaks or rotate duties to avoid severe sleep deprivation while riding or driving.
F. In Races over 750KM, where 2 support vehicles are mandatory, crew rotations must be planned so that no crew member is in support vehicle duty for over 16 hrs in a 24 hour period. The only exception to this is The Great Himalayan Extreme in which mandatory sleep breaks are applied to all participants.
G. Race officials reserve the right to pull participants off the course and order them to rest or retire from the race, if that person is suffering from sleep deprivation and/or riding or driving in an unsafe manner.

H. In case of any medical emergency, participants must immediately seek local medical help and inform race officials as soon as possible.

Section 3 : Compliance
3.1. Traffic Laws & Law of the Land

A. Participants must obey all traffic laws at all times.
B. This includes, but is not limited to: riding/driving on the correct side of the road, stopping and waiting at red lights until they turn green, stopping at stop signs and checking for traffic before proceeding, using hand signals for all turns, keeping as far to the left as safety permits, ensuring they cause no obstruction to other users of the road, using the shoulder whenever possible, dipping high beams of vehicles to avoid blinding oncoming traffic and obeying speed limits.
C. Race officials may directly issue penalties for traffic violations. Participants observed repeating traffic violations will be disqualified.
D. Participants are expected to follow all pertinent laws, regulations, and mandates from time to time as declared by government authorities.

3.2. Compliance

A. Participants must obey all race rules and regulations at all times. There will be no exceptions. The onus is on the participants, to ensure that they do not give any cause for doubt.
B. It is the responsibility of the Participants to ensure that compliance is strictly adhered to for the entire duration of the race.

3.3. Race Officials and Race Committee

A. Race Officials are individuals designated to monitor participants for compliance and to enforce the Rules of the Race. Race Officials include Road Marshals, Control Point Officials, Race Director and Race Management.
B. Race officials may be mobile or stationed along the route as well as at Control Points, and will be marshalling the route in marked or unmarked vehicles.
C. The Race Committee is comprised of the Race Director, Head of Officials, and the Executive Director. If deemed necessary the committee may include other Officials or individuals in an advisory capacity.
D. The Race Committee has the authority to override, modify, or create rules based on unfolding circumstances before, after or during the course of the event. Race officials have complete authority and the decision of the Race Committee is the final word on all matters.

3.4. Warning and Penalties

A. A. Race officials and volunteers may issue warnings and provide clarification to Participants for minor violations not including wilful cheating. If the situation warrants, a penalty may be issued at the first offense.
B. In the situation of a race such as this, Race Officials and Race Committee may take spot decisions that will be conveyed to the RHQ. Every attempt will be made to convey such decisions to the participants, but Race Officials cannot be held responsible if do not receive the communication immediately.
C. Repeating an offense will result in a penalty, regardless of whether the racer has been notified or warned about the first offence.
D. Race officials reserve the right to immediately disqualify a racer and ban them from future races for inappropriate behaviour or if the situation warrants it. It is within the discretionary powers of Race officials to make a decision about warnings, penalties or disqualifications, based on their judgment and observations.
E. Each violation of rules will result in a 15-30 minute time penalty depending on the offense and subject to circumstances. Serious offenses may garner a longer time penalty if required. Accumulation of more than three penalties will result in disqualification. Issuing of penalties is not limited to the breach of rules listed here.

3.5. Drafting

A. Drafting of any motorized vehicle is strictly forbidden. Any racer seen attempting to gain advantage by drafting a motorized vehicle will be immediately disqualified.
B. Drafting any other cyclist or Human Powered Vehicle (HPV) that is not participating in the race is strictly forbidden and will be considered cheating.
C. Any violation of the drafting Rules 3.5.A and 3.5.B will result in a racer’s immediate disqualification.
D. Racers within the same format of the self-supported race may ride together and draft each other provided it is with mutual consent. If a racer explicitly says that s/he does not wish to have a competitor draft or accompany him/her that must be respected. In case of any conflict, racers may report to Race Officials to enforce this, and complaints will be dealt with by warnings and penalties as required.
E. Racers in the crew supported Format are not permitted to draft each other and may ride parallel to each other for no more than 15 mins per day. This may only be undertaken if road and traffic conditions permit them to do so without causing any obstruction to other users and without comprising their own safety.
F. Relay team racers may draft or ride with their own team members, though it is not of a strategic advantage.

3.6. Cheating

A. Any deliberate act of taking advantage over others is considered cheating and will lead to immediate disqualification.
B. Racers may not be pushed, pulled, towed or otherwise assisted by their follow vehicle. Towing any vehicle is strictly forbidden for all racers. A violation will lead to immediate disqualification and a ban from future races.
C. Any Solo Racer seen utilising a motorized vehicle to move ahead on the course will be disqualified. If for any reason a racer requires to enter a motorised vehicle for the purpose of being transported, whether it is upon withdrawal from the race, or to seek mechanical, medical assistance or to get to food or accommodation, she/he must inform a race official before the ehicle starts moving. If telephonic contact cannot be established, a text message/sms or WhatsApp message must be sent and shown as proof if requested.
D. While other Relay team racers advance on the course in motor vehicle, one member of a Relay team must be on the route on bicycle at any given time.
E. A very serious view is taken of any manner of cheating. If found cheating Race officials WILL immediately disqualify a racer and ban them from future races.

3.7. Appeals, Protests, and Complaints

A. During the course of the race, participants may seek clarification or make a verbal protest or via text or WhatsApp, regarding a warning or penalty to Race committee, but this must be made privately and respectfully. Any public protest or display of disgust with the contents of the Rules, their application or disrespect to a Race Official may result in an escalated penalty.
B. Any Participant wishing to make an official protest must do so in writing and submit it to the Race Director along with a Complaint Fee of Rs. 5000/- no later than two hours after the race Final Cut off time. The Race Committee will rule on all protests after thorough investigation and due deliberation, as time permits.

C. Please refer Appendix B of the RAAM RULE BOOK – Cheating and Accusations of Cheating (partially
quoted below, details may be referred to if required):
“RAAM is first and foremost a competitive event – it is the Race Across America. It is also an event characterized by camaraderie, shared experience and personal achievement. You will have a better experience if you are supportive of all Racers. Your priority is racing, not officiating. Concentrate on your race, the Race Officials will focus on rules. Invariably, becoming fixated on what may be perceived as violations of rules by others and/or what you believe to be officiating
mistakes, will generally cause both Racers and Crew to lose focus on racing and negatively impact performance. Cheating versus Mistakes Mistakes happen. Racers and Crew get tired and forget and rules are broken. In most cases it is not intentional. Cheating is a flagrant and purposeful violation of the rules.”

D. However, all Participants are encouraged to report to race officials, any suspicions (with or without evidence) if they see some infraction of rules by other teams or racers. These reports must be made during the course of the race, with details of racer/team no. and location, to enable race officials to check on the report. Any racer, witnessing a cheating or rule infraction and not reporting it to race officials immediately, will lead to witnesses being held complicit in the act itself.
E. Participants are encouraged to gather evidence in the form of video or photos if possible, without hampering one’s own race. But it must be understood that in the absence of substantiating evidence, or Officials being able to witness the activity, RHQ may be unable to take definitive action during this race itself.
F. Airing opinions in this regard, making allegations and complaints regarding Race and Race officials over Social or other Media before or after making a formal protest, that are considered harmful to the Race Reputation may result in a disqualification or a ban from future races.

Section 4 : Race Criteria
4.1. Route and Tracking

A. The entire route as prescribed by the official route book, must be covered on bicycle by the racers, Solo or in Relay. If racers choose to walk any distance, they must do it while pushing their bicycle themselves. Crew may accompany on foot, if required, but may not handle the bicycle to assist in the forward motion.
B. The route is not marked. Participants will be provided race route files in GPX format, a link to the route map, and detailed cue sheet before the start of the race giving all details of the race route and locations of Control Points. It is not recommended to utilize Google Maps for navigating from point to point on the route, as it is likely to divert participants to route options other than the race route.
C. Racers must stay on the route at all times, taking no shortcuts or detours, unless specifically instructed on route changes by the Race officials. If a racer leaves the route for any reason, and using any means, they must return to the route at the same point at which they departed the route, before continuing to actively race again in the direction of the race route. The racer must inform Race Officials as soon as they leave the route and when they rejoin the route.
D. If for any reason participants are forced off route by road construction, diversion due to accidents, or by traffic police for any reason, they must immediately contact RHQ or one of the Race Committee nd report exact details of diversion along with location details including co-ordinates or location pin of start of diversion. They must do the same at the time of rejoining the race route.
E. Racers have the obligation to inform the RHQ or Race Officials in case of accidents, closed roads, detours and nonfunctioning of tracking device.

F. RC will assess whether a time penalty or credit is to be applied to Racer’s time. This decision will be conveyed to the participants so that they can re-calculate race cutoff time. No time credit will be given for navigational errors or for leaving the course for any other reason.
G. A mobile based app will be installed on the racers’ and crew phones for tracking them. Phone battery must be kept charged to allow the tracking application to function at all times during the race. All racers’ locations will be publicly available through a tracking link that will be provided before the start
of the race.

4.2. Control Points and Cut-offs

A. There are Locations specified on the Race Route that act as Control Points (CP) that confirm
participants location on course and the time of passage through the CP is noted. Some of these CPs
have a Close of Control time, or a Hard Cut Off time particularly with respect to eligibility for RAAM
B. CPs may or may not be manned by Race Officials. All details of CPs, including distance, cut off
timing, stages, type of control and protocol for reporting is detailed in Section 8. Passage through
each CP must be documented as prescribed.
C. At a manned CP, participants must report their arrival with the Race Card to the official when they
arrive, and sign the CP log. Time will be recorded as of when they report, not when they arrive, if
there is a lapse. At an unmanned CP Participants must report their arrival in the manner prescribed.
D. At Manned CPs, Support crew can report instead of the racer during daylight hours, but at the time
the racer is passing the CP, not before. Racer may continue riding, except at the finish, at which time
the racer must check in. At night it is mandatory for the racer to stop until the checkpoint procedure is
completed, if they have only one follow car on active duty at that time.
E. It is solely the participant’s responsibility to make sure their time is recorded, when they pass through
a manned CP. Failure to do so will result in penalties and/or disqualification.
F. Racers will not be eligible for RAAM Qualification if they reach a manned CP after it has closed and
officials have departed or if they reach after the Hard Cut Off Time. Participants may be allowed to
continue riding the course at the discretion of the Race Committee and remain eligible for Inspire
India timings, however they will have to self-check in at subsequent CPs and their timings may not be
G. Participants taking a decision to withdraw from the race, for any reason, must inform RHQ or RC.
If for any reason they are unable to establish a telephone call, they must send a text message or
WhatsApp message. Proof of having communicated is essential before Racers utilize any motor
vehicle to move on the race course.

4.3. Timings, RAAM Qualification and Results

A. Finish Cut off timings according to categories based on Age and Gender are detailed in Section 8

B. Solo racers who successfully complete the entire Race Distance in accordance with the RQ (RAAM Qualification) timings for their respective category will be qualified to Race at the RAAM for the following 2 editions of RAAM.
C. Results of podiums are announced provisionally at award ceremony and on Social Media. Full provisional results are emailed within 2 days after Race Finish, except in case an inquiry is necessitated. Final results are published shortly thereafter on the website and on Social Media, and RQ results sent to RAAM.
D. Inspire India Race certificate is emailed thereafter in an electronic format. RAAM Qualification Certificate in electronic format is sent directly by RAAM Organization to racers emails, roughly within a fortnight after results are sent.
E. Racers who finish within the Inspire India cut off will be acknowledged as Finishers by Inspire India and eligible for the finishers Medal. Racers who finish the entire race distance Outside of Time Limit will be listed as OTL with their timings, and those who withdraw are listed as DNF in the results.

Section 5 : Solo Self Supported
5.1. Self-sufficiency

A. The Self Supported racing format requires that each racer is fully self-sufficient for the entire duration of the race. No support vehicles of any kind are permitted during the race. Violation of these rules will result in immediate disqualification of the racer.
B. Racers within the same format may help each other across categories also, ie gender, age or distance. It is prohibited for crew supported participants however to offer assistance to self-supported racers EXCEPT in case of a medical emergency, in which case RHQ must be informed immediately.

C. Racers must be fully self-sufficient in terms of all hydration, food, nutrition, mechanical requirements etc and must be fully equipped to combat the elements at all times during the Race.

D. Racers must take care to have enough food and water to make it through the entire night. On most parts of the race routes, it will be impossible to find food after 10pm.
E. Racers may avail of whatever vendors, shops, hotels, restaurants are available on route. Racers must ensure that all purchases are paid for in full and interactions are conducted respectfully. Complaints of non-payment of any other form of nuisance will attract a penalty.
F. Racers may not have friends/family come on the route to cheer or in any way assist racers. With prior intimation to Race officials they may only cheer at a manned control point. No support, food, drink, supplies may be exchanged. Violation will lead to a penalty or disqualification
G. Racers may use technical/mechanical assistance available en route provided they adhere to Rule 4.1.C of this rule book if they leave the route.

5.2. Drop bags

A. Racers will be given sling bags during pre-race registration to pack with personal essentials for the specified drop bag location tagged on the bags. These bags are to be handed over before race start, and may only be accessed at drop bag location. No valuables, no perishables and items prohibited under any laws of India are to be put in the bags.
B. Drop Bags will be made available at the prescribed location only, and may NOT be accessed along the route.
C. Drop Bags Must be repacked by the racer, before racer’s departure from control point on each instance. Race management will not be held accountable for missing items not packed into the Drop Bags.
D. A Time and Place for handing over the drop bags to Race Officials, before the race start will be conveyed to racers. Likewise time and place for handing back the drop bags after the race has finished, will be conveyed to racers.

Section 6 : Crew Supported
6.1. Support Crew

A. The Crew Supported Format of racing requires Solo and Relay Teams to be supported by crew members in support vehicles. It is strongly advised that the Crew members and Racers learn to work cohesively in the months prior to the race, understanding the rules and include at least one practice ride to understand how to provide support safely and within the rules.
B. Support Crew members (Crew) are included in the term ‘Participants’ used in the Rules and Regulations and must obey all of the rules and regulations that apply. If a crew member violates a rule, it will result in their expulsion from the race and penalties and/or disqualification for their racer.
C. Crew must be considerate of the surrounding area in which the course travels, paying particular attention to local cultural norms. They should not behave in a disruptive manner, and pay all bills of purchases made on the course.
D. Crew are not allowed to ride a bicycle on the course at any time during the race. Any requirement to test ride a bicycle for resolution of mechanical issues, must be conducted only within a parking lot, off the road. Crew found riding a bicycle on the route will lead to immediate disqualification of the Racer.
E. Crew must wear Reflective gear during the night hours. For safety reasons, it is recommended that they wear reflective gear when they are outside the vehicle during daylight hours as well. We suggest wearing and keeping reflective gear on all day and night for the crew.

6.2. Support Vehicle Requirements

A. It is Mandatory for Support vehicles to have a minimum of 2 support crew in each vehicle, both capable of driving the vehicle. For safety and efficiency it is advised that there be 3 crew in each vehicle. The minimum no. of mandatory vehicles depends of the race, distance and whether it is Solo or Team and is listed in Rule 7.5.

B. Each Racer or Team must have their own support vehicles. Support vehicles may not be shared between Racers or Teams.
C. Only 4 wheeled vehicles may be used as support vehicle. Please ensure that they well maintained and in proper condition before start of race. 2 wheeled vehicles may not be used as support vehicle, but permission may be sought for media crew to accompany on 2 wheelers.
D. All support vehicles must adhere to the requirements of the checklist in Rule 7.4 at all times for the entire duration of the race. Racers seen receiving any form of support from Vehicles that have not been registered and inspected as a Support vehicle are liable to receive a penalty.

6.3. Following The Racer

A. Support vehicles operate in 2 manners. Direct Follow involves remaining directly behind the racer maintaining their speed. Leap Frog involves the support vehicle being stationary on the side of road while the racer advances on the course and periodically moving ahead at normal traffic speed to pass their racer and pull over again to wait for the racer to pass. This is also used to do hand offs to the racer as described in Rule 6.4.A and for relay team racer exchange as described in Rule 6.5.F
B. Racers and Support vehicles in direct follow, must stay on the left side of the road as much as safely possible, using the shoulder when it is available. Racers may not race in the middle of the road, except while overtaking a slower vehicle. In the day time, without obstructing traffic Support vehicle may briefly be parallel to the racers to make brief communications, while passing them during Leap Frog, however they must not drive at racers speed to the right of the racer, or parallel to the racer for a sustained duration or repeatedly.
C. During day time hours, crew may provide either direct follow or leap frog support and must do so without obstructing traffic.
D. Rear emergency flashers (Parking lights/Hazard lights) must be used while supporting a racer in direct follow, driving slowly or whenever pulled over.
E. During night time hours it is mandatory for the Racer to be within the headlights of a support vehicle for the entire duration of night time hours, with no exceptions. Additional support vehicles, if any may only leapfrog the racer to provide support during these hours.
F. Racers may not have more than one support vehicle in direct follow at any time. This is considered Caravanning, can cause an obstruction to traffic and will attract a penalty if causing hindrance to other road users. Secondary follow vehicle may be on the road with racer but in Leap frog support.
G. Follow vehicles should never block traffic to the rear. If traffic builds up behind them to more than 3 vehicles, they must pull off the road and allow traffic to pass. Then, when it is clear, they may continue to follow their racer. If this situation arises during night time hours, the racer must pull over and stop with the support vehicle to give way to traffic and only proceed when their vehicle is ready to move forward behind them.
H. Crew must plan ahead, refuel and restock before 6:00 pm to avoid wasting the racer’s time at night. Crew must ensure they have enough supplies and fuel to make it through the entire night. On most parts of the race routes, it will be impossible to find food or fuel after that time.
I. Under no circumstance can the Follow car be leading the racer, ie ahead of the racer at his/her speed allowing racer to draft the vehicle.

6.4. Hand-off’s and Passing

A. Support crews are expected to provide racers with hydration, nutrition, and take care of their other requirements. However, no hand offs are permitted to a racer, from the vehicle (moving or stationary). Only pedestrian hand offs are allowed, that is by a crew member on foot. During the day time hours crew may leap frog their racer and provide support via pedestrian hand off’s. However during night time hours, racers need to halt to receive support from crew members.
B. Racers with multiple support vehicles may receive pedestrian hand-offs through additional vehicles during night time hours in which case they will not be required to stop to receive support.

C. Support Vehicles must use indicators for turns and when planning to stop. Support vehicles must halt off the shoulder line whenever possible and only pull out of the road, to the left side of the road when stopping to leap frog the racers, or to give hand offs or for racer/vehicle exchanges. The only time support vehicles may pull off to the right side of the road is if they are driving into a property/private compound like that of a hotel, shop, restaurant, or petrol pump for example.
D. Follow vehicles may not impede the progress of another racer or their follow vehicle. When a racer with a follow vehicle passes another racer, the following procedure must be used: racer A passes racer B and gets clear. When a gap of 30 meters forms between the two racers, racer A’s follow vehicle may pass racer B (and their follow vehicle) and continue to follow their racer. Racer B (and their follow vehicle) may not impede the progress of racer A or their follow vehicle.

6.5. Relay Teams

A. Relay Teams comprised of 2, 3 or 4 members take turns to complete the entire route on bicycle, in a relay format. The same rules and regulations that apply to all participants, apply to relay team racers and their support crews.
B. While an active Relay racer is on bicycle, the other team members may rest in the follow vehicle, moving along the course or rest off the race course, taking turns with each other.
C. Racer exchanges may take place anywhere on the course and at any frequency depending on team strategy. Any number of teammates may ride at the same time however this has no strategic advantage. A team’s official time is calculated when the first racer crosses the finish line.
D. As a relay running race requires a passing of a baton, Team Relay Racer Exchanges mandatorily require wheels to overlap between retiring racer and fresh racer, to ensure that there is no gap in time or space in the teams’ race distance. This rule will be strictly imposed. Teams will be issued a time penalty for first offense and be disqualified on second offense.
E. Racer exchanges take place primarily in 2 ways. A stationery exchange involves both fresh and retiring racer being stationery at least briefly during the exchange, on the side of the road. This may be used as required but is essential when there is only one support vehicle at night time. A rollingexchange is when the fresh racer starts cycling before the retiring racer has stopped and they overlap wheels while both are moving.
F. In the day time rolling exchanges may take place, with a support vehicle going ahead as in Leap Frog to place the fresh racer and waiting in readiness for retiring racer to arrive and overlap wheels. At night, due to mandatory direct follow rules, both racers have to remain in vehicle headlights and therefore this can only be done if there is more than 1 vehicle in active duty, provided no racer continues on the course unless it is in the headlights of the follow vehicle.
G. Drafting is allowed between teammates, but not between rival teams, solo racers or any other cyclist.

H. Each Team must have a team leader, who should be a member of the team. Any decision regarding penalties or disqualification will be conveyed to the team leader and the crew chief.
I. Team members may support their team when they are not riding, but must obey all rules regarding support crew members, with the exception of the rule banning support crew members from riding on the course as described in Rule 6.1.D

6.6. Embedded Official

A. Inspire India reserves the right to assign an official to observe a racer/team from within his/her support vehicle, at any time before or during the race. Racer and crew will accommodate the official within his/her vehicle and will be responsible for the safety and well being of the official.

Section 7: Mandatory Requirements

These are the mandatory requirements that each racer and relay team must meet in order to receive a clearance to race. Racers or teams failing to meet these requirements in the required timeline will be denied a clearance to race and their registration cancelled without a refund. (Ref Section 2.1.A - 2.1.E)

7.1. Bike Inspection

All bicycles and gear listed below that racers intend to use at the race must be physically inspected by race officials. The bicycles and gear must meet the following requirements in order to pass inspection. Participants will need to arrange for the required equipment listed below unless otherwise stated.

A. Reflective Tape strips of 10mm x 50mm pasted on:
i. Fork Legs
ii. Seat Stays
iii. Cranks
iv. Back of Pedals or Shoes
v. 3 strips on each side of each wheel rim ensuring brake pads are not obstructed

B. Helmet
C. Reflective Vest or Bandoleers – 1 for each racer and crew
D. Bike Number Plate attached on seat post of bike - Provided by Officials at Inspection Venue
E. Helmet Number sticker pasted on front of helmet - Provided by Officials at Inspection Venue

7.2. Lighting and Electronic Equipment

A. 2 Front Bike Lights – each at least 150 lumens or visible from 200m (recommended 700 to 1000 lumens) – One mounted on bicycle.
B. 2 Rear Red Tail Lights – each at least 150 lumens or visible from 500m, must have steady mode (recommended 200 to 600 lumens) – one mounted on bicycle.
C. Charging cables, Charger and/or necessary replacement batteries for the above.
D. Tracking app installation on Mobile phones of Racers and 2 crew members as applicable

(The following is mandatory for Self Supported Racers ONLY)
E. Power bank with sufficient capacity to ensure Mobile phone and lights if applicable can be charged for the entire duration of the race/stage.

7.3. Documents

Participants will have to provide the following documents at the inspection venue. Please note that the inspection venue is NOT equipped to make prints and/or copies. Participants are advised to carry copies of documents themselves.

A. Identity Document of all Racers - Aadhar Card / Driving License / Passport (mandatory for non-Indian Racers)
B. Waiver and Discharge Forms duly signed by racers and crew members as applicable.
(The following, C, D & E are mandatory for Crew Supported Racers only)
C. Identity Document of all Crew Members - Aadhar Card / Driving License / Passport (mandatory for non-Indian crew members).
D. All crew members intending to drive vehicles must submit copies of Driving License as identity document.
E. Vehicle Registration Documents of all Vehicles - Vehicle Registration Certificate and Vehicle Insurance Policy
(The following F & G are Mandatory for All Participants of The Great Himalayan)
F. Personal Accident Insurance Policy covering all Racers and Crew Members
G. Medical Fitness Certificate as prescribed for all racers and crew members.

7.4. Vehicle Inspection (Not Applicable to Self Supported Racers)

All vehicles that racers intend to use as support vehicles must be physically inspected by race officials. The vehicles must meet the following requirements in order to pass inspection. Racers will need to arrange for the required equipment listed below unless otherwise stated:

A. Slow Moving Vehicle Triangle or 30mm x 500mm strip of Reflective Tape pasted on the rear of vehicle B. Registration Plate visible at all times. If bikes or bike rack are blocking the registration plate, printed registration number to be pasted at a visible site on the rear of vehicle

C. Red flashing light on bike rack
D. Racer Number to be pasted on all four sides of vehicle - Provided by Officials at Inspection Venue
E. Race Signage to be pasted on front and two sides of vehicle - Provided by Officials at Inspection Venue

7.5. Minimum Crew and Vehicle Requirement (Not Applicable to Self Supported Racers)

Based on the Race distance, Crew supported Racers have to meet a minimum vehicle and crew requirement in order to be eligible to race. Commercial drivers are also considered part of the crew for all purposes in the event. Racers may choose to have additional crew and vehicles for optimal racing efficiency. Refer Section 6 for better understanding of their role during the race.

7.6. Mandatory Reporting for The Great Himalayan

Being a High Altitude Race, ALL Participants or all Formats, ie racers and crew members are required (mandatory) to report in Leh to Race Officials at the Race Venue, according to the following schedule. While this is for us to establish that racers get the bare minimum acclimatization, it is highly recommended that racers arrive 14-16 days in advance to ensure that they acclimatize fully. This is particularly necessary if racers are flying directly into Leh. Participants may choose to reach Srinagar or Manali and drive to Leh in order to have a slower transition to high altitude. Refer to website for Event Itinerary before booking tickets.

A. Mandatory Reporting for 900 KM Racers - 14 days before start
B. Mandatory Reporting for 600 and 444 KM Racers - 10 days before start
C. Mandatory Reporting for 900 KM Crew – 7 days before start
D. Mandatory Reporting for 600 KM Crew - 5 days before start

This document is for the sole use of Inspire India SMCS LLP, its representatives, and its participants. Any unauthorised use, copy, disclosure, or distribution of this document is prohibited unless authorised. No section of this document may be copied, applied, or utilised in parts or full unless with written authorisation by the Race Director for any events or races other than Inspire India events.

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